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​The Heart’s Dance is a six-week course for single & partnered women ready to unlock their sensuality, liberate their love life, and finally crack the essential relationship skills no-one ever taught them ... until now.

Do you feel dull, drab and grey?

Cut off from what you truly want in life - your desires, your pleasures, and your 'juice'?


Maybe you can’t even remember the last time you felt 'sexy'?


Has your libido gone stone cold, and you keep wondering why you can’t seem to ‘get into it’?


Does thinking about improving your sex life feel taboo and awkward?


Do you feel stressed, embarrassed or even defensive every time you approach the topic of intimacy in your relationships?


Perhaps you're in a sexless relationship and don’t know how to broach it with your partner – the longer you leave it, the worse it feels?

Are you burnt out from online dating and want to understand what's going wrong, and why you can't seem to meet any decent men (or women)?

Perhaps the last relationship you had - or maybe most of your previous relationships - felt difficult, painful, upsetting ... and you're worried that you have a 'pattern' you can't seem to break?

Or maybe its been years since your last relationship or sexual experience, and while you’d really love to find someone, part of you is absolutely terrified … ?


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You are not alone.



I struggled for years feeling ashamed about anything to do with sex. I was trapped in a cycle of poor relationships that lacked intimacy. I felt awkward in my body + was afraid of being seen or even touched. 

I was disconnected from my body & what it could do; instead I forced it into unhealthy eating patterns + felt too embarrassed to exercise it. My skin and hair was drab and my wardrobe reflected that: mismatched, ill-fitting and shapeless clothes that hid who I truly was.

My romantic relationships were unfulfilling. My libido swung from taking huge risks with my health just to get laid - sex while drunk, high or without protection - to feeling completely cold and disgusted by any sensual touch. Penetrative sex was uncomfortable, even painful, and I'd often just 'tune out' during intercourse.​

I felt frightened of talking about sex and intimacy with my partners. It was too awkward, so I would ignore the subject entirely - and then behave terribly: cheating, ghosting, controlling and falling into co-dependency.




It was only when I began to look at my difficult sexual history, reconnect with my body, and learn the relationship skills no-one had ever taught me that I began to have the sort of sexual, sensual, and intimate life that truly fulfilled me.



Now ...


I am deeply connected to my body, sensitive to my needs + caring for my health as a top priority.


I have exciting, tender, passionate sex that includes multiple orgasm and kundalini awakenings.


I love getting dressed, knowing my clothes look fantastic and I feel wonderful.


I ask for what I want in relationship, with courageous vulnerability.


I am able to instigate and hold meaningful conversations with my partner about sex and intimacy.

And most importantly, I am open to love, pleasure and enjoyment in all areas of my life - not just in the bedroom.



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Just imagine it ...​

  • Feeling beautiful self-acceptance of who you truly are - no matter what's happened in the past

  • Rediscovering the sensual part of you that's been hidden for so long

  • Knowing exactly what you want and how to ask for it!

  • Happily daydreaming about sexy ideas that before felt taboo or nerve-wracking

  • Believing it's possible to be in a loving, sensual relationship with someone

  • Feeling ready to try new things in the bedroom (and elsewhere!)

  • Growing your self-confidence to date in a way that works for you

  • Feeling closer to your partner - not just about sex but in all areas

  • Having conversations about the Big Stuff without being afraid it'll explode in your face

  • Taking a relaxed, pleasurable approach to finding your dream relationship

  • Finding a totally new way of having relationships which feels exciting and secure

  • Owning a set of relationship tools you can rely on again and again to create and sustain the sort of connections you most enjoy

  • Finally feeling happy with the most important relationship of all: the one between You and You​​


It took me 20 long years of healing, training & developing the right toolkit to get me to this beautiful place.


What if you could get there in just six weeks?


The Heart's Dance


A six-week course for single & partnered women ready to unlock their sensuality, liberate their love life, and heal the most important relationship of all: the one between You and You.


Over the six modules of The Heart's Dance, you will:


  • Face the sensual shadows from your past that are controlling how you behave now

  • Reconnect with your body as a beautiful & divine vessel

  • Discover the essential relationship skills no-one ever taught you at school (but really should have!)

  • And put it all into practice in a warm, supportive environment

In each live 2-hour weekly class, I will teach you the philosophies & practices required to close the gap between where you are now and where you truly want to be: sensually empowered, liberated in love, and ready to experience new levels of pleasure & connection.


Module 1: Boundaries

You will learn about the different types of boundary necessary for healthy sensual relationships, face up to your own boundary issues + their roots in cultural and personal trauma, and practice how to gently but firmly set boundaries for your own sensual self.

Each live session will be a blend of interactive learning, peer discussion, and – most importantly – visualisation & embodiment.

In The Heart's Dance you will quite literally be dancing your heart; moving your body, activating your soul, and engaging your nervous system to bring the loving, sensual self you desire into a cellular-level knowing.

Because The Heart's Dance isn’t only about learning the practical relationship skills we weren’t taught at school; it is about being a lover in heart, soul & body. 

It is about experiencing “the splendour of Love’s praise”, as the poet Rupert Brooke wrote.

It is about finally and fully understanding that how we love is how we live. 



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My name is Astra, and in The Heart’s Dance I am sharing all I have learned in my journey over the last two decades of understanding the workings of the human heart.

This exploration began with my own healing and has led to years of healing, facilitating and coaching others to transform their relationships to their selves & those they love.

I came to this work because, in my first sexual relationship at 16 years old, I was raped. 

This experience of sexual assault profoundly damaged my physical, emotional, psychological + spiritual understanding of intimacy. It ripped apart my blossoming sexuality and cut the delicate cords to my body & sensuality. I became so terrified of love, sex, and intimacy, I doubted I would ever feel desire or pleasure again.

Yet through years of heartfelt exploration and sensual healing, my understanding of relationship has been transformed. I feel safe in exploring desire and pleasure every day, not only with others, but in all areas of my life. 

I did it by concentrating on the most important relationship of all: the one between Me and Me. And I bring the fullness of these many years of lived experience, wisdom and expertise to The Heart’s Dance, so that you can undergo your own sensual transformation in just six weeks.

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  • Accredited trauma-informed coach with Dr Susanna Petche’s Trauma-Sense Programme

  • Accredited facilitator of Sensual Somatic™ movement practice

  • Accredited tantra facilitator with Academy of Modern Tantra

  • Accredited cacao ceremony facilitator with Dan Knowlson of Cacao Mastery

  • Diploma in Journal Therapy & Shadow Work with the Centre of Excellence

  • 10 years as an educator and facilitator

  • 150+ hours coaching 1:1 to help others change their lives & relationships

  • Seven years in polyamorous relationships

  • Practised energy healer

  • Dedicated spiritual practitioner & channel 

Join me in a six-week journey to unlock your sensuality, liberate your love life, and heal the most important relationship of all: the one between You and You.


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“I joined The Heart's Dance because I wanted to look at what's going on for me with sex and intimacy. Some difficult past experiences have affected the way I look at intimacy and my attitude towards men in particular, and my arousal levels were extremely low - partly due to perimenopause and partly because my partner and I have had a bumpy ride with our sexual relationship. 

I got so much out of the course, including hearing perspectives from other women. It gave me a lot to consider: how I interpret relationship issues, how my approach to intimacy is reflected elsewhere, how my deep internal beliefs about relationships show up in other places in my life. The programme gave me a structured way to understand these topics, and to be more accepting of my ‘stuff’ when it comes to sex and intimacy. 

Now, I'm dealing with things differently in my relationship, actually talking about topics and not thinking I'm a monster for bringing it up – I can say more of what I want, and feel okay about it. 

I didn't expect the course to be so deep; some of it really blew my mind. Yet the way it was structured made it so easy to take in and understand. Astra provides such a safe space to talk about these things and it helped me open up. 

If you’re not very happy with your intimate relationships, keeping it in your head and not talking about it isn’t going to make it better. It is scary to speak up about things that might feel shameful or you think others might not understand – but they do! Come do The Heart's Dance; it is so worth it.” 

Kirsti, 48, in an engaged queer relationship


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“I wanted to join The Heart's Dance as I found it difficult to meet men and trust others, I hadn't been in a relationship for a while, and wanted to meet my soul mate.

The course was very interesting – an exploration into my relationship to intimacy, how I view relationships and what I want. I liked the structure and being able to see where the gaps were in my awareness so I could work on them.

I’ve realised that I do know what to do to magnetise a relationship, and I'm often practising that – but now, my energy has changed. The programme changed my idea of what a relationship should be. Before I would hang onto one person and start thinking "this could be the one" straight away. Now I'm more relaxed; I want to explore, see who’s out there, and I'm more open to what might happen.

I loved the visualisations, the embodiment exercises, and listening to the other women's experiences. The course has got everything in there for different people to focus on different areas they need to work on - plus the architecture of the programme made it easy to take the ideas on board.

A lot of us have never been taught any of this stuff about relationships, but you can change your perspective at any point in life. Everybody wants to have a good relationship but we're all too frightened to do what it takes to get there. But just go there - if we all talked about it more, in spaces like the one Astra creates in The Heart's Dance, it wouldn't be such a big thing.”

Gillian, 65, single



“I'd begun my first relationship after leaving a 25-year marriage a few years ago, and some issues had come up in connecting with a new partner after such a long time – including discussions about non-consensual experiences I'd had as a teenager.


I'd never been a particularly sensual person or confident in my body, and, at the age of 56, I wanted to enter a new phase of being much more comfortable in my own skin.

The Heart's Dance was well structured with lots of useful content that has helped me in rediscovering that part of me, my own sensuality and magnetism. Participating in the programme worked really well as I was exploring these topics with my partner, who was so supportive and open about all of it.

Now, I'm much more open to my own sensuality, but also I'm more comfortable just thinking about things I would've previously considered taboo; talking openly with the other women was a brilliant opportunity. Along with the support of my partner, the course has definitely made me more open to try new things sexually too.

Astra is open, honest, and willing to share their stories, and that made such a big difference – hearing the real-life examples of what they'd experienced, not just about sex or intimacy in general. It's a safe, welcoming space with no judgement, which means it's comfortable to talk about your experiences without worrying what others will think.”

Katie, 56, in a new relationship post-divorce



“I'd wanted to attract a new intimate relationship into my life, but I couldn't even imagine how that might happen. I knew I'd been poor at communicating my needs and emotions in previous relationships, which led to me behaving not that brilliantly, and I had a tendency to get involved with emotionally unavailable men. I joined The Heart's Dance because I wanted to change this and work on attracting love.

In short - the programme blew my mind! I hadn't thought about a lot of the topics it covered in the context of relationships, even though I've done quite a bit of self-development work, so it was eye-opening. The course has really given me a set of tools to go away and practice changing those behavioural issues I’ve had in relationships; it's given me a compass to navigate my way through intimacy – something tangible to work on.

I now believe it is possible for me to invite someone into a relationship. It's shifted how I'm approaching the topic, even in recognising that actually I might not be ready for a relationship, but that I don't have to have sorted everything out before I open up to the possibility. Before, I'd just switched off the sensuality button – this course has switched it back on.

Astra's presentation style makes the topics really engaging and well-structured, so that even with ideas or exercises that challenged me, I could still dive into them. There's no pressure to tell the group about your intimate experiences, or reveal anything you don't want to.

I definitely recommend doing The Heart's Dance because you'll come away learning things about relationships you won't have thought about before – and you'll have a really helpful way of tackling those issues.”

Ingrid, 45, single


Course Dates

The Heart’s Dance will next run from March to April 2025. All sessions take place online, via Zoom.

Opening Circle

Friday 7 March 19:00 – 20:00 UK time


The Opening Circle is where you will meet other course members, set your intentions for The Heart’s Dance, tour the architecture of the course, and take part in a specially-designed opening ritual.


Meeting each Saturday 10:00 – 12:00 UK time


Saturday 8 March: Boundaries

Saturday 15 March: Desire

Saturday 22 March: Attention

Saturday 29 March: Consent

Saturday 5 April: Receiving

Saturday 12 April: Integration

Closing Circle

Friday 18 April 19:00 – 20:00 UK time


The Closing Circle is where we will end our time together, sharing reflections & defining your next steps, as well as taking part in a specially-designed closing ritual.

All module sessions will be recorded for repeat viewing. I recommend you are able attend at least four of the module sessions live, as well as both Opening and Closing Circles, to get the most out of the course.

Really want to do the course but can't make these dates? Add your email below & I'll notify you when I am running it again in 2025.

Course Fees

I use an equitable, sliding-scale model for The Heart’s Dance course fee. You choose the price tier which feels right for you right now, acting in truth and integrity. Whatever tier you choose, you will receive the same content, support and experience as everyone else. Payment plans are available.

Tier 1: £629 ​ |  Tier 2: £429​  |  Tier 3: £229

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Do you want to go deeper into your own personal Heart's Dance?


Would you like to receive bespoke, trauma-informed support for your unique sensual & sexual challenges?


If so, I invite you to consider joining the Immersion Pathway of The Heart's Dance.

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Alongside the group programme, you and I will meet for 3 x 60-minute private sessions to examine your relationship shadows more deeply and conduct the healing work you need to fast-track your transformation.


This healing work will include more specific trauma-informed communication tools, revolutionary exercises drawn from my Sensual Somatic™ and modern Tantra training, and personalised meditation journeys to shift your mindset and break through the unique obstacles between you & abundant love, pleasure & intimacy.


Private immersion sessions occur in weeks 2, 4 and 6 of The Heart’s Dance, at a time that works for both our schedules. You can join the Immersion Pathway at any point from enrolment until week 2 of the course.


There are just 6 places available for these private sessions, so if you are passionate about this work I highly recommend securing a spot before the course begins.

Total fee for the 3 x 60 minute private sessions that constitute the Immersion Pathway is shown below. This fee is additional to the course fee.

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Tier 1: £480 ​ |  Tier 2: £320​  |  Tier 3: £160

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How to Enrol

  1. Complete the application form below by 28 February 2025. If you are unable to complete a written application form, please email for alternative methods.

  2. Submit the form & pay the £100 deposit to secure your place on the course.

  3. After reading your application, I’ll get in touch for a brief call or text exchange to get to know you in a bit more detail.

  4. Once your enrolment is confirmed, I’ll email over your induction pack and payment plan details if you need them. If for any reason I decide the course isn’t right for you, you will be refunded your £100 deposit.

  5. Finally, you’ll pay your remaining course fee (or your first instalment) by 5 March 2025 & receive the Zoom links to join the live sessions.


The Heart's Dance

A six-week course for single & partnered women ready to unlock their sensuality, liberate their love life, and heal the most important relationship of all: the one between You and You.

  • 12 hours of in-depth, interactive training, live & online

  • Featuring trauma-informed practices, deep visualisation journeys, mindset techniques & pleasurable embodiment exercises

  • In a safe, warm, engaging environment surrounded by like-minded women 

  • Recordings of all sessions & visual aids

  • Audio recordings of key exercises for you to keep & revisit as many times as you wish

  • Simple and practical exercises to continue your progress between live sessions

  • Opening & Closing circles, including specially-designed rituals for sensuality & desire 

Plus, if you join the Immersion Pathway:

  • 3 x 60 minute private sessions just for you, live and online

  • ​Diving deeper to break through your sensual wounds, once and for all

  • ​Bespoke tools made for you, to fast-track your progress 

  • Including personalised meditation journeys, tantra-infused embodiment practices, and communication tools to heal relationship challenges

With tiered pricing & payment plans to make sure as many women as possible access these essential teachings that allow us to be who we truly are: sensual, desirable & powerful beings.

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Join us in The Heart's Dance

Complete the application form below by 28 February 2025, pay a £100 deposit to secure your place ... and let's make today the first day of the rest of your (sex) life!


Is this course better for single or partnered women? Whether you are single, married, divorced, partnered, queer or heterosexual, the course is for you. As previous participants mention, hearing the perspectives of others who are in different relationship situations to you is enriching and useful. If you are in partnership, you can practice some of the new relationship skills you will learn with someone else, but they can equally be practised solo (in fact, that’s where it all starts!).

I’m non-binary / AFAB – can I join? Yes. If you have had lived experience being seen as, or treated as, a person with a female human body – including in intimate, sexual or sensual situations – you are welcome to join this course. I am non-binary and an important part of The Heart’s Dance is that I offer gender-aware relationship education that welcomes all bodies’ experiences.

What’s the recommended age for participants? The Heart’s Dance is open to anyone aged 18 or over. You might have had lots of relationships, or none; you are most welcome.

Is this a course about sexual technique? No – The Heart’s Dance focuses on the relationship skills you need to create secure, loving sensual and sexual attachments. While we will talk openly about sex and sexuality, I do not teach specific practical techniques.

Will I be expected to talk about my sex life in detail? No. You are free to share as much or as little as you wish about your sexual history and relationships. In our sessions, I will provide discussion prompts that encourage you to reflect on the module topic, but you only need to share as much detail as you feel comfortable sharing with others.

Is this course like relationship therapy or counselling? The Heart’s Dance is a trauma-informed course & I am a trauma-informed facilitator, but I am not a trained therapist, counsellor or psychologist. This course focuses on teaching the relationship skills you need to create secure, loving sensual and sexual attachments – but it is not a replacement for therapy or counselling, and should not be treated as such.

I am a sexual trauma survivor. Will this course be triggering? Everyone’s triggers are different, and while I am confident that the content of the course & the space that will be created is a safe container to discuss sensitive relationship topics, I cannot say for certain that you will not be triggered to a point of significant challenge. If you are keen to enrol, I recommend you complete the application form and we discuss your unique circumstances in more detail when we chat.

I am disabled / neurodivergent with access needs. Will you be able to support those? I am very happy to make reasonable adjustments to support you participating fully in The Heart’s Dance. When you fill out the application form, please indicate if you have any specific access needs, and we can discuss them further in our chat to ensure I can support them.

I can’t make some of the sessions live – does that matter? You will receive a recording of all the module sessions, so if you are unable to attend one or two of them you can watch them in your own time. However, I recommend that you only enrol in the course if you can attend a minimum of four module sessions live, and ideally both Opening and Closing Circles. This will ensure you get the most out of the course & the community.

Are there specific things I need for the course? You will need access to a working internet connection to be able to join the calls and access resources. A video/microphone on your computer or phone helps you participate fully in the live calls. You will also need stationery and a journal, notebook or word processing software to take personal notes during the sessions.

I have childcare responsibilities at the live session times. Can they join? While I personally am happy to discuss these topics with children of all ages present, not all participants might feel the same way. Therefore, only those 18 or over can be present during the live sessions.

Are there any bursaries available? No, there are no bursaries. The sliding-scale course fees are designed to support as many people as possible to access the course.

Will The Heart’s Dance be running again in 2025? Yes. My intention is to run the course twice more: from June to July for our Solstice cohort, and October to November for our All Hallows cohort. If you would like to join either of these groups please email to be notified when enrolment for these is live.

Will you be running this for men / couples / teens? I hope to run a version of The Heart’s Dance for men, AMAB people, teens, and couples in the future – for now, my focus is on women and AFAB people. If you are interested in the content of The Heart's Dance for your male/AMAB/teen/couple group, please reach out

I’d really like my daughter / granddaughter / niece to do this course. Can they? If they are 18 or over, they are welcome to join as an independent participant, but not if they are under 18.

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